A Critical Fiction

A Critical Fiction


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 I decided for when it comes to the debates in this story I’ll have Locket present one extreme idea and Methusa present the opposite extreme. Both Locket and Methusa bring extremism to the table. 

As people start to make their decisions Lucy can be the voice of reason in between the two extremes to provoke some individual thought. To create a spectrum in between the two ideologies.

Locket preached that culture is “vast spectrums of shade” and “Not the black and white of outlandish ideology” Can Lucy show us what a vast spectrum of shades between two ideologies IS? As the medium in this discussion? Who’s side is there to choose?

The discussion is on morality, ethics and culture. Taken from the functions of the parts of a cell in biology. The utopian follows life while the dystopia is opposite to life. That’s why I stated evil is live backwards. 

Amygdala is advertised as a Political Sci-Fi Drama and that is what I hope to bring to you.


There are so many characters in this series that I can only include a few. So I decided to choose ones that to me are the most interesting in design. 

Below are the Rebels Planning to Overthrow Locket. Why? Because she promised cultural greatness that exists on a spectrum of ideologies however all she gave is an outlandish ideology herself! Who is Locket? In the video below is her speech.

She talks about individual but at the same time she says that if we are to glimpse at truth we must play its game. Doesn’t that contradict?

Spoiler Alert:

What she is promising and what she gave us in Amygdala is well.. not what I was hoping to see. We are promised culture and what we get is “Everyone for themselves” which hinders creativity and development of culture. Nobody is making new things because they are always either looking over their shoulder or looking to take advantage of someone else.

Lucy Lacemaker

Lucy Lacemaker



A Fan Fiction on a Disappointing Purchase… Amygdala by Sam Fennah




When I got my hands on an expensive Amygdala I was disappointed, angry and a bit offended by the story. If Fennah is reading this.. I bought the book, watched Satellite City and shared the videos. It’s nothing personal but I did not like this book. However these characters I think shouldn’t be given up on. The person who wrote the following review has stated he is done with this series and wants nothing more. So to the people reading this who are curious about this book…

The following review is not mine but I agree with him.


Keep in mind I don’t make any money from this blog this is a hobby, a passion project. What is life without passion?

My vision is to bring you a five part series using the Dreams of Gaia tarot deck, and the characters of Amygdala.

In Fennah’s book we are presented with the story followed by a debate, a concept I would like to keep. After exploring this dystopian society we are left with questions on this world’s morals and ethics. 






Part One 

“Locket, the leader of the Kivouachians, the dystopian queen is believed to have supernatural abilities, immortal and perfect. She has the world under her spell. The Kivouachian rebels are plotting her ruin. But how can they even get close to her? It’s not going to be easy but they must discredit her in every way until she is made a liar, a hypocrite and a fool on the world stage. Only then can there be a new way. But what is the new way?”




When I say Locket is the Dystopian Queen 

What I mean is that she runs her society like a colony of insects. Like a queen bee and the society has a hive mentality with the exception of the rebels who secretly despise her and all she stands for.

The plan is to slowly turn the hive against her so she will have little choice but to step down from power.

Her world is inspired by biology however it works opposite to life.

A utopian society would function with life to be structured and functional as it should.

🌀Research phase

Here I will document my progress as I do my research on the actual science and really get to know my tarot cards and how to interpret them.

“The plasma membrane, or the cell membrane, provides protection for a cell. It also provides a fixed environment inside the cell, and that membrane has several different functions. One is to transport nutrients into the cell and also to transport toxic substances out of the cell”

Taking from this the subjects up for debate are the the need for security within a community. People need to be able to feel safe and that constant threat hinders the development of culture and creativity. 

A dystopian society always keeps its people under constant threat.

A “Fixed” environment could be a culture built on a solid foundation where social norms are created based on long standing traditions and values that have been built on truths. A culture can grow and change but does not let go of the values that make it great.

The dystopian version of this is a society where the rules, norms, morals and values are constantly changing, being broken down and replaced. Just to have it all replaced again with the expectations to adapt as quickly as possible. If not your considered toxic and must be either silenced or exiled.

Also the opposite of security is a prideful display of wealth or at least deceiving others to believe that you have it.

“One is to transport nutrients into the cell and also to transport toxic substances out of the cell”

In a utopian society could this mean that those who wish to enter must have virtues to offer?

What is opposite to this? An open border where you are free to enter but cannot leave?




Here I will write my first draft





Rebuilding the Underbirth


Below is a diagram of a cell structure that I will use in world building. The parts and functions of the cell get repurposed as the functioning parts of two societies. One utopian and the other dystopian.

Evil is live backwards and it makes sense to me that a dystopian society would function opposite to life.

I do not own this image or gain financially from it

I do not own this image or gain financially from it







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